Top 5 iOS Libraries — September 2017



Library after a library, month after a month — and a year has passed. But still, we haven’t given up on our mission — bring you the best out of the best libs out there. Here are September’s diamonds. Enjoy!

1. WTF Auto Layout

Why the Failure, Auto Layout? We admit, this is not really a library, but it’s useful and we like it. So we’ve decided to include it into this month’s top libs. Deal with it. Wtfautolayout is a site that helps you visualise the conflicting constraints in the logs by parsing them neatly. It was built using Swift, Vapor and Sparse and you can take a look at its source code on GitHub.

2. DefaultsKit

UserDefaults are really useful, but you must be sick of using those sometimes. Are you tired of storing every complex object as a dictionary? DefaultsKit adds a nice little wrapper around UserDefaults that simplifies storing and loading objects from it.

enum Pet: String, Codable {
case cat
case dog

struct Person: Codable {
let name: String
let pets: [Pet]

// Get a Codable conforming instante
let person = Person(name: "Claire", pets: [.cat])

// Set the value
defaults.set(person, for: key)

// And read it back
let person = defaults.get(for: key)
person?.name // Claire
person?.pets.first // cat

As long as your objects conform to a Codable protocol you are good to go.

3. HGPlaceholders

HGPlaceholders from Hamza Ghazouani allows you to easily show placeholders and empty states for any UITableView/UICollectionView in your project. They are easy to use and have a really nice design to them. But if you feel like the images don’t suit your app, you can easily change them into something more suitable.

4. HGCircularSlider

Another one from Hamza Ghazouani, good work from him this month! HGCircularSlider adds custom reusable circular/progress slider controls. They look nice, and are widely customisable.

5. FSPagerView

FSPagerView is a screen slide library. It is useful for making banner views or welcome screens. Some of its features are infinite and automatic scrolling, as well as a fully customisable page control and items. Overlap, linear, cross fading and zoom out are just some of its transform options.



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